For a smooth experience on the Just Eat Network, it’s best to be prepared.
Here’s a short checklist to get you on the road to success:
- Prepare your device
It’s best to confirm your run at least 48 hours before your scheduled start time. Before you start your run, sign in to the Courier App and switch from Wi-Fi to cellular data. It's best to keep your battery fully charged. You can always bring a charging cable with you on your run.
- Prepare your thermal bags
You can keep your thermal bags clean between runs by washing them with warm water and soap, or carry a washcloth and sanitizer to clean your bags between deliveries. While on run, keep your thermal bags inside your vehicle, not in the trunk, so that food is delivered fresh and at the correct temperature. A good way to keep your bags in good condition is to avoid leaving the bags in your vehicle overnight.
- Prepare your vehicle
You can maximise time by filling up your fuel tank before your run to avoid additional stops.
Your safety is important. Using a phone mount is one way of ensuring your safety. If you’re a bike courier, you might be required by law to wear helmets and other safety gear.
In response to COVID-19, all deliveries on the Just Eat Network are now contactless and cashless. For more information, read Contactless delivery.
- Know your delivery zone
Always start your run in your delivery zone. If you’re too far outside your zone, you may not receive delivery offers. Delivery zones don’t always follow conventional neighbourhood boundaries, so check your map in the Courier App to get familiar with your zone.
You’ll also find Hotspots in your zone. Hotspots are areas within your zone where you’re likely to receive more offers. Being closer to a Hotspot puts you in a better position to receive new offers.
- Know where to get answers
Have questions or concerns during delivery? You can use the chat feature in the Courier App. For help with issues that aren’t related to an order, like an account, schedule, or payment question, check the Courier Help Centre for answers to common issues. You can also email us or use the chat feature after your run ends to speak with us.
This checklist will help you complete deliveries faster, have smoother interactions with customers and restaurants or vendors, as well as earn more on the Just Eat Network.